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SWIR 640 (900-2500nm) Hyperspectral Imager

Our Micro-Hyperspec SWIR 640 comes in models for field or lab use. It is small and light with a CameraLink interface and a low power requirement. Many researchers who undertake remote sensing missions using drones or field kits will choose the Co-Aligned VNIR-SWIR system because of its greater wavelength range. The SWIR 640 hyperspectral imaging sensor is compatible with the perClass Mira Software and Scanning Stage.

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  • 25mm telecentric lens sold separately
  • Standard C-mount lens interface

Great for:

Available Options:

  • perClass Mira developer kit or runtime engine
  • Part Number 1007A-10554 is the MV.SCAN SWIR Package that comes with perClass Mira and Hyperspec III Lab Software Licenses, and the perClass Mira Stage and spectrometer mount


Part Number Product Name Minimum Working Distance
1004A-21536 25mm Telecentric, 900-2500nm, f/2.5 250mm

To request a quote or a demo please select the product features you are interested in. 

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