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inno-spec Releases First Ready-to-Use UV Hyperspectral Imaging System with BlueEye!

inno-spec introduces the BlueEye UV hyperspectral imaging system, a complete ready-to-use scanning system with camera, motorized stage, illumination, and even an ozone mitigation system.
Thumbnail of HSI UV system with BlueEye showing Enclosure and insides

Thumbnail for HSI UV Review of Potentialinno-spec GmbH, a Headwall Group company, just released the first ready-to-use UV Hyperspectral Imaging System with BlueEye and support for seamless acquisition, analysis, and model-building for development of real-time detection and inspection systems with perClass Mira!

Check out the Review of Potential to find out how the development of new and improved technologies have made intuitive hyperspectral imaging in the UV a reality.


Contact us today if you would like to learn more!