Webinar: Announcing Headwall Partners’ Hyperspectral Imaging Drone Service, FlyHSI!
Do you need just a few a flights over your mining/prospecting site, agricultural field, or archeology dig?
Are you considering buying your own remote-sensing UAV, but first want to see what they can do?
Headwall partners geo-konzept GmbH and GRYFN can now fly lightweight UAV missions over your areas of interest using advanced hyperspectral and LiDAR equipped payloads. Get higher resolution, more convenient data than from satellites and manned aircraft. Join us on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 11:00am-12:00pm EDT for a webinar on FlyHSI, to give you all of the details.
Christoph Schimmer, geo-konzept Int. Sales Manager Remote Sensing Systems, has longtime experience concerning geospatial solutions involving a wide array of mapping sensor technologies and analyzing software multispectral imaging, LiDAR, photogrammetry, remote sensing, GIS and surveys. Application areas of these mapping solutions include: agricultural industries, energy, open pit mining and environmental. He has a comprehensive understanding of the competitive market of mapping, civil engineering, environmental and land surveying. He is also a licensed commercial UAV pilot and has broad experience in all kinds of UAV flight missions and surveying.
Matt Bechdol is CEO at GRYFN, a Headwall partner, reseller, and integrator offering research-grade sensing solutions and services. For 25 years, Matt has specialized in spatial data analysis and remote sensing technologies for agriculture and natural resources. He began his career as a consultant at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; spent a decade at ESRI, the world-leading geographic information system software firm; over ten years leading his consulting firm GeoSilos; and has led GRYFN since 2019. Matt received his Bachelor’s in Public Affairs from Indiana University, a Master’s in Geographic and Cartographic Science from George Mason University, a Master’s in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University, and an MBA from Indiana University.
A founding member of the Center for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Europe (CHRSE), geo-konzept was founded in 1992 by Dipl.-Ing. agr. Thomas Muhr and is well-known for offering customers manufacturer-independent and individual-based systems for precision agriculture, mining blast services, surveying, and more.
GRYFN provides advanced multi-modal sensing solutions for agricultural research markets. The company offers research-ready, high-precision, multi-sensor UAV solutions that simultaneously acquire high resolution RGB, LiDAR and hyperspectral data.